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Final Fantasy IX - Walkthrough

Disc One

Items Elixir, Ether, Eye Drops, Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion, Potion (7), Remedy, Tent
Cards Bomb, Fang (3), Goblin (3), Ironite, Lizard Man, Sahagin, Skeleton, Zombie
Gil 341 Gil
Notes There are a few mini-games that offer prizes. See tables below for information.

M.S. Prima Vista Airship

After the opening cutscene, you will be in a small room with little light. If you walk to the back of the room where you will find 47 Gil (A) and a Potion (B).

In the middle of the room (X) is a candle, walk up to it and light it by pressing 'X'.

Once the room is illuminated, you will have the opportunity to enter the name of your charater; the default is [Zidane].

Following this, you will be joined by a few other people and you will encounter your first battle.


This fight is not hard and there are a number of items that can be stolen from him.

Each character in your party has the Steal ability, so spamming this is a good way to get the Mage Masher which is an upgrade for Zidane.

Once you have what you want, just keep attacking and in a few hits he will be defeated.

Boss Fight: Masked Man

Level HP MP Strength Defence Evade
1 188 233 9 10 2
Magic Magic Defence Magic Evade Attack Spirit Speed
8 10 3 8 10 19
Elemental Affinity
Fire Ice Thunder
100% 100% 100%
Water Wind Earth
100% 100% 100%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
Gil AP
805 0
Steal Item Drop Card Drop
Potion (100%)
Wrist (25%)
Mage Masher (6.25%)
Abilities Eat
Get Some!, Gwahaha!, Oww!, ARGHHH! Can't eat

Following the battle; the crew will discuss their plan to kidnap the Princess Garnet; you will get a choice in the conversation, choose the second option. After the conversation ends, the scene will change to the outskirts of Alexandria where we switch to a new character to control.


After picking yourself up from the ground, head south; here there are a number of people and some items.

There is a Zombie Card (A) in the bottom left corner, a Lizard Man Card (B) in the far background, behind the statue, a Sahagin Card (C) in the doorway of the building on the left and finally a Potion (D) to the left of the statue.

Remember this area as we will be coming back here soon.

Exit back to the main street where you started (X).

To the left of where you fell earlier is a Potion (A) by the barels, there is a building you can enter (B) where you can find 9 Gil by the bed, a Potion to the right of the ladder and a Fang Card on the desk up the ladder.

Head north and there is another Potion (C) on the left by the baskets. Continue north and exit (1).

Head left but head towards the screen to find a 33 Gil (D) and a Goblin Card (E) in the grass eitherside of the foreground.

There is also a pub here (F) where you can find a Potion by a barel on the right, 27 Gil in a recess on the left wall and a Flan Card in a barel on the left. Exit the pub and continue left and exit (2).

This section of the road doesn't have much but there is a shop on the right where you can buy supplies and also find 38 Gil in a pile on the right.

Continue north to the main square of Alexandria.

In the town square there is a building in the middle (X); go to it and show your ticket. After finding out that your ticket is fake, you will receive a Goblin Card, Fang Card & Skeleton Card.

Head to the shop on the right (A) and you will find an Ether next to the counter (See Picture below), head north through the door to the shop next door and there is a Remedy to the right of the counter. (See Picture below).

Outside you can find a Phoenix Pinion (B) behind the ticket shop, outside the Hotel. Opposite this is a boy named Hippaul who tells you he has hidden a stash of cards.

There is also a mini-game (C) here of "Jump Rope". You can play this to win prizes (See Table) by pressing the button in time with the marker that appears but it gets faster after each prize is awarded.

Exit to the left (3).

Jumps Prize
20 10 Gil
50 Cactaur Card
100 Genji Card
200 Alexandria Card
300 Tiger Racket Card
1000 King of the Jump Rope

Start walking down the alley and, after the short scene, a boy will come up and ask you to be his "slave". If you say no, you can do a few extra things before you proceed.

Continue down the alley and you will find youself at the dock.

There is a house here (A) where you can find Eye Drops in the right corner of the room and 3 Gil by the bed upstairs (If there is a girl here, leave and wait for her to go then try again).

There is a small bell tower (B) that you can climb the ladder and ring the bell; doing so will give you Ironite Card, Goblin Card and Fang Card (These are Hippaul's card stash). At the base of the tower is a Tent in the grass to the left and a Potion to the right side of the building.

There is also a boy here (C) who tells you his cat Mittens is missing. Head all the way back to the main gate (with the statue) and you will see a small brown cat wandering around. Talk to the cat and the boy will arrive. Head back to the dock and talk to him again to get a Bomb Card.

Head back to the main square and then go back into the alley. The boy who asked you to be his slave is here, talk to him and say Yes this time. When asked if it is all clear say Yes.

Before following the boy, a man will enter the alley, talk to him to learn about the card game, Tetra Master if you want. If you do, you will be back at the pub, so once done, make your way back to the alley.

Follow the boy to the Dock and into the bell tower.

At the bell tower, go to climb the ladder and a Moogle will drop down; after a brief conversation you can talk to Kupo the Moogle to save.

[Mognet Central Quest] - When there is a Moogle you can save at, you will get an option called Mognet, clicking this option may give you a message to deliver. Check for this message throughout this walkthrough.

Before climbing the tower, make sure you have done and found everything you want as you can't go back for them.

Climb the ladder and follow the boy. You are now on the rooftops; there are planks that reach across the gaps and you can walk over them. Continue following the boy and once you have crossed the second plank bridge there is 29 Gil (A) on the roof.

Head north and the boy will ask your name, default is [Vivi]. The boy introduces himself as Puk. After the next bridge is a house with stairs (X), head down the stairs and cross the planks to the right, then head south over the bridge and then head right where you will find 63 Gil (B).

Head back to (X) and head over the bridge north where, at the end of the roof, is 92 Gil (C).

Head back over the bridge and head right then north towards (1) where Puk is waiting for you.

You are now inside the castle and at the performance where there is a long cutscene that is the opening ceremony of the play and a scene from the play itself.

This culminates in a battle on stage as part of the performance.


This is a performance fight but you can lose as the damage dealt is real.

There are Special Effects (SFX) that you can use to increase the spectacle but you can only attack normally to deal damage as the SFX deal no damage.

Boss Fight: King Leo

Level HP MP Strength Defence Evade
1 186 373 9 10 2
Magic Magic Defence Magic Evade Attack Spirit Speed
8 10 3 8 10 19
Elemental Affinity
Fire Ice Thunder
100% 100% 100%
Water Wind Earth
100% 100% 100%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
Gil AP
0 0
Steal Item Drop Card Drop
Abilities Eat
Taste Steel!, Poly, Clamp Pinch, Pyro Can't eat

Alexandria Castle:

Following the battle, a short scene is played out between Zidane and Blank.

They both jump off stage and there is a mini-game.

The mini-game is a series of quick-time events. Blank will give a command and you must quickly press the button.

The goal is to not only get all commands correct, but to be quick about it.

The number of nobles that are impressed by you is calculated based on speed and accuracy.

If you don't get all 100 nobles and the queen impressed, you can try again if the audience asks for an encore.

You will also be given a Gil reward from the watching audience and if you impress all 100 nobles and the Queen you will receive 10,000 Gil.

Nobles Impressed Item Received
1-49 Ether
50-79 Elixir
80-99 Silk Shirt
100 Moonstone

After the mini-game, Zidane and Blank will be inside the castle.

After a short scene, you will leave the Guardhouse and be in a corridor with a staircase to the left.

At this time, you can not exit via the North or South (X) as going either way will just have a guard appear.

Head up the stairs to the left (1) and, on the landing, you will meet a hooded person who asks to be let by. Whichever response you give, she will run down the stairs, Zidane and Black will follow.

After this, a scene plays where Queen Brahne is informed of Princess Garnet's disappearance. Here you are given the opportunity to name a new character; the Captain of the Knights of Pluto, default is [Steiner].

You are now tasked with tracking down Princess Garnet but, when you gain control of Steiner, head back to the Queen (2) and talk to her to receive the prize from the Sword Fight mini-game earlier.

Head back down stairs (3) and go into the Guardhouse to the right (4)and you will find a Moogle to save your game if needed and a Phoenix Down in the pile of stuff by the door.

On the wall is a list of names; these are the members of the Knights of Pluto.

Knight Location
Blutzen (Knight II) Guardhouse
Kohel (Knight III) Guardhouse
Laudo (Knight IV) Library
Dojebon (Knight V) Running around
Breireicht (Knight VI) Left Tower Stairway
Weimar (Knight VII) Outside Left Tower
Haagen (Knight VIII) Courtyard
Mullenkedheim (Knight IX) Banquet Hall

While looking for Princess Garnet, you can find these Knights around and, by talking to them and giving them the order to  look for her, you can get an Elixir.

Knight II and Knight III are in the Guardhouse; talk to either of them and they will leave to search for Princess Garnet.

From the Guardhouse, head North to the Foyer area, there is a Knight running around in here (starts at (A) and will run away from you), catch him and talk to him to find he is Knight V.

The room to the right (B) is the Banquet Hall, here you will find Knight IX stood at the table on the right. You can also go to the other table and "sample" the food.

Head back to the foyer and down the stairs (X) to the lower foyer. From here, enter the room to the left (C) which is the Library.

Head south in this room and you will find Knight IV behind a bookcase to the left; when you talk to them, they will complain and you can choose either option but the result is the same.

From the Library, head south to leave the castle. Continue south and you will be out in the Courtyard, sitting by the canal (D) is Knight VIII.

If you head right (6) from the Courtyard, you will find an un-named Knight. Head back and now go left (7).

Outside the tower is Knight VII, head inside and make your way up the stairs.

On the way up, you will find the final Knight (Knight VI) who, if spoken to twice will check if you have given the order to all of the Knights of Pluto and, if you have, he will give you an Elixir.

Continue up the stairs and there you will have a cutscene.

Following the cutscene, you will be playing as Zidane, follow Princess Garnet into the room to the right. Inside, talk to Ruby then follow Garnet down the stairs.

After another short scene where you escape through a secret passage, head to the left and exit via the door.

After another short scene, you will fight Steiner.


Steiner has a couple of items to steal; with 3 characters with the Steal command, it should be easy to get his stuff.

Just attack until HP is gone.

Boss Fight: Steiner

Level HP MP Strength Defence Evade
1 169 523 6 10 2
Magic Magic Defence Magic Evade Attack Spirit Speed
8 10 3 8 10 19
Elemental Affinity
Fire Ice Thunder
100% 100% 100%
Water Wind Earth
100% 100% 100%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
Gil AP
0 0
Steal Item Drop Card Drop
Leather Hat (100%)
Silk Shirt (25%)
Abilities Eat
Attack, Moonlight Slash Can't eat

Following the battle, you will escape again and make your way onto the stage. After a short scene, you will battle Steiner again along with 2 Knights of Pluto.


As you are on stage, you can't steal anything as this command is replaced with SFX.

Using SFX on Steiner causes him to mutter about stage magic.

Steiner is accompanied by Haagen and Weimar; they have low HP so should be dispatched first.

Steiner will not attack Garnet, so she will always be around to use her White Magic to heal your team.

Boss Fight: Steiner

Level HP MP Strength Defence Evade
1 167 620 8 10 2
Magic Magic Defence Magic Evade Attack Spirit Speed
8 10 3 8 10 19
Elemental Affinity
Fire Ice Thunder
100% 100% 100%
Water Wind Earth
100% 100% 100%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
Gil AP
355 0
Steal Item Drop Card Drop
Abilities Eat
Attack Can't eat

After another cutscene where your team try to escape the city on the Prima Vista, a bomb is shot over to you and another battle against Steiner will start.


This battle is similar to the first. Just your team vs. Steiner.

You can't steal anything but you are joined by Vivi who is a Black Mage who has Fire magic.

The bomb behind Steiner will keep growing and the battle ends when the Bomb is fully grown.

You can just attack or defend until the bomb explodes.

Boss Fight: Steiner

Level HP MP Strength Defence Evade
1 162 770 8 10 1
Magic Magic Defence Magic Evade Attack Spirit Speed
8 10 1 8 10 20
Elemental Affinity
Fire Ice Thunder
100% 100% 100%
Water Wind Earth
100% 100% 100%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
Gil AP
0 0
Steal Item Drop Card Drop
Abilities Eat
Attack Can't eat

Evil Forest

Items Bronze Gloves, Ether (3), Leather hat, Phoenix Down, Potion, Rubber Helm, Wrist
Cards None
Gil 116
Notes None

After the cutscene, the Prima Vista has crash landed and Garnet is missing.

Once in control, you can save with the Moogle in the south-west (B) of the screen and there is a Phoenix Down (A) behind the boxes on the left of the screen.

There are are few people around and Baku is blocking the way back into the ship. There is also an Active Time Event (ATE) which shows you what is happening elsewhere.

Exit via the hollow treen trunk in the south (1).

Once down in the river, follow the river to the right and exit at the north-east corner of the screen.

Here you will fine Vivi, Steiner and Princess Garnet; the princess is trapped by a monster. Approaching the monster will trigger a battle so make sure your equipment is in place and you are healed up if needed.


This battle is not tough but you must keep an eye on Garnets HP.

The Boss uses Absorb to drain Garnet's HP to heal itself.

Zidane starts in Trance; use his Dyne ability "Free Energy" to deal damage while Steiner is used to heal Garnet if needed and attack.

Healing Garnet can be tricky, be sure to target her and not the Boss.

Boss Fight: Prison Cage

Level HP MP Strength Defence Evade
2 513 1,083 9 10 2
Magic Magic Defence Magic Evade Attack Spirit Speed
8 10 3 9 10 49
Elemental Affinity
Fire Ice Thunder
150% 100% 100%
Water Wind Earth
100% 100% 100%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
Gil AP
0 0
Steal Item Drop Card Drop
Abilities Eat
Right Stem, Left Stem, Absorb Can't eat

Following this battle, the monster will escape with Garnet and another will capture Vivi for a second fight.


Similar to the previous battle but this time Vivi will use Fire magic to deal massive damage to the Boss.

Use Zidane to steal the items from the Boss and Steiner to attack or heal Vivi if needed.

As before, the Boss will use Absorb to heal itself using Vivi's HP so keep an eye on his HP.

Boss Fight: Prison Cage

Level HP MP Strength Defence Evade
2 533 1,186 8 10 2
Magic Magic Defence Magic Evade Attack Spirit Speed
8 8 3 9 10 29
Elemental Affinity
Fire Ice Thunder
150% 100% 100%
Water Wind Earth
100% 100% 100%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
Gil AP
436 0
Steal Item Drop Card Drop
Broadsword (100%)
Leather Wrist (25%)
Eye Drops (100%)
Phoenix Down (37.5%)
Abilities Eat
Right Stem, Left Stem, Absorb Can't eat

After the battle, Vivi and Steiner will be knocked unconscious and you will arrive back at the Prima Vista wreckage.

After a short conversation with Baku, you can find Bronze Gloves (A) near the Globe to the right of Baku. Leave by the exit to the left (1).

Head down the stairs and you will have 3 A.T.E to view. These are:

  1. Ruby back in Alexandria
  2. Steiner in the storage room
  3. Cinna outside the wreckage looking for his Garnet doll.

Head right at the bottom of the stairs into the room. Here you will find Vivi recovering after being rescued.

Inside the room you can find an Ether in a chest at the top of the room and 116 Gil if you climb up the ladder of the bunk bed on the pillow.

Talk to Vivi and then leave the room. Once outside, after a short scene, choose "Go look for her" and then head left.

After a short conversation with Blank, you can find a Wrist (A) behind Blank in the background wreckage.

Head left through the hole in the wall (1) and you will enter the hallway where Garnet ran into Ruby. Here you can find an Ether (B) in the foreground chest.

Head around and down the stairs into the Cargo Room.

In this room are a few people and a Rubber Helm in the North-West corner (similar place where the 47 Gil was at the start of the game.

Head left into the Meeting Room where you earlier discussed the plan to kidnap Garnet. Inside you will find Baku who will invite you into the Cargo Room for a fight to allow you to leave the crew and rescue Garnet.

After the conversation, you can find a Potion in a chest in the foreground wreckage.

Head back into the Cargo Room and make sure you are ready for battle. When ready, talk to Baku by the stairs to engage in battle.


Try to steal both items from him; the Iron Sword will be useful soon and an early Hi-Potion is helpful.

Some of his attacks will either miss or fail entirely. YEOWWW! will have him fall over on his way towards you.

You face him as Zidane alone so can't take advantage of his weakness to Fire.

Boss Fight: Baku

Level HP MP Strength Defence Evade
2 202 1,285 8 10 2
Magic Magic Defence Magic Evade Attack Spirit Speed
8 10 3 9 10 19
Elemental Affinity
Fire Ice Thunder
150% 100% 100%
Water Wind Earth
100% 100% 100%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
Gil AP
0 0
Steal Item Drop Card Drop
Hi-Potion (100%)
Iron Sword (25%)
Abilities Eat
Rrragh!, Gwahaha!, YEOWWW!, ARGHHH! Can't eat

After the battle, Baku will give his blessing and tell you that he will unlock the storage room where Steiner is resting.

Head back up the stairs to the left and enter the room ahead of you.

Inside, after a short conversation with Steiner, you will leave with him. Head back into the room as there is an Ether (A) in a chest below where Steiner was sat.

Exit the room and head back to the room where Vivi is resting through the hole in the wall and then continue to the right into the room.

After a short conversation, you will exit and you can leave the ship. Head left through the hole in the wall, down the stairs into the cargo room and then south to a hallway where Blank is stood.

After a brief conversation where he gives you "Blank's Medicine" and a short tutorial on abilities, you will exit the ship.

Head back in and you will find a Leather Hat (B) in a chest on the right side near the exit.

Once done, exit the ship (1).

Outside is the Moogle to Save and receive a letter from Ruby to Zidane (Mognet). You can also find Cinna from whom you can buy supplies.

It is recommended that you purchase a few Eye Drops as the enemies in this area cause Blind.

Cinna's Item Shop

Item Price
Potion 50 Gil
Phoenix Down 150 Gil
Antidote 50 Gil
Eye Drops 50 Gil
Tent 800 Gil

Head south through the fallen tree trunk and follow the river around to the right then north.

Here is an A.T.E of the band playing a tune that may be familiar.

Head north and down the hole. continue north then head right up the log onto the bank to the right (X). Head right and you will arrive at a spring.

[Mognet Central Quest]

Here is another A.T.E of Blank being given a map by Baku, a Moogle (A) to save and (if you have the letter for Monty, you can select Mognet to deliver it).

Finally is the Spring (B) which you can drink from to heal your HP and MP.

When you are done, head right (1) to exit. Head north-east up the path and then prepare for battle. When you are ready, enter the cave to the north.


Blank will join the battle after a certain condition is fulfilled:

  • Boss takes 916 HP damage
  • 5 turns have passed
  • Zidane is KO'd

Once Blank arrives, Plant Brain's HP will reset to 458 HP.

Boss is weak to Fire, so use Vivi's Fire Magic and Steiners Fire Sword Magic abilities.

Zidane should keep trying to steal the Iron Helm.

Pollen causes Blind but this does not affect Vivi's Fire Magic or Steiner's Sword Magic ability.

Thunder hits the whole party and can cause a lot of damage.

Boss Fight: Plant Brain

Level HP MP Strength Defence Evade
7 916 1,431 9 10 2
Magic Magic Defence Magic Evade Attack Spirit Speed
9 10 3 15 13 20
Elemental Affinity
Fire Ice Thunder
150% 100% 100%
Water Wind Earth
100% 100% 100%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
Gil AP
468 0
Steal Item Drop Card Drop
Eye Drops (100%)
Iron Helm (25%)
Phoenix Down N/A
Abilities Eat
Left Tentacle, Pollen, Right Tentacle, Thunder Can't eat

Run back down the hill where you will arrive at the river with a monster behind you and one in front. There is a mandatory battle here but once done, just run south.

After a cutscene you will be outside the forest with Steiner, Vivi & Garnet. After another conversation you will be joined by the Moogle Monty who will give you tutorials via A.T.E and finally a Moogle's Flute which is used on the World Map to call a Moogle to Save, Use a Tent or do Mognet.

[Optional] North Gate/Melda Arch

Items Eye Drops, Potion
Cards None
Gil None
Notes None

From the exit of Evil Forest you can head West to North Gate.

This is optional but there is a seller of Potions and a few items to find.

When you arrive, there will be a brief conversation and, when you gain control, you can approach the gate (A) and interact with it.

Choose "Listen Close", then "Call out to someone" and finally "Buy some medicine from her" if you need Potions.

There is a hole in the fence to the right of the path that has a couple of chests. The first has Eye Drops (B) and the second has a Potion (C).

You can now leave (1) and head back to Ice Cavern.

Ice Cavern

Items Elixir, Ether, Leather Wrist, Mage Masher, Phoenix Down, Potion, Tent
Cards None
Gil None
Notes None

Upon entering the Ice Cavern, the first thing to note is that there are intermittent jets on Mist on the path. Touching these will trigger a battle.

Head north on the path then left where there is a ledge (X) that if you press X on it you will jump down to the lower ledge where there is a chest containing a Tent (A).

Climb back up and head north to another ledge (X) that you can climb and then exit at the top (1).

On the next screen you will find a path to the right with an ice wall. Interacting with it will have Vivi melt it, revealing a chest with an Ether (B). Head back down then go left. Here is another path but behind it is a hidden path (2) leading around to the far left where you will fine a chest containing a Potion (C).

Go back and this time head up the ramp and make your way north to the exit (3).

Follow the path North and take the left path to the Ice Wall at the very top. Melt this wall to reveal a chest with an Elixir (D).

Head right and south to the bottom of this path to fine a log (X) bridging the gap to a chest with a Potion (E).

Go back over the log bridge but turn around and interact with it to cause it to fall. You can now reach the chect on the lower ledge which contains a Mage Masher (F).

Now, head back up the log and head north-east to leave this room (4).

Follow the path north but at the first fork in the path head right to a chest that contains a Phoenix Down (G).

Head left and keep to the left path that leads up to another ice wall (X). Melting this ice wall reveals a path that leads south to another chest that contains a Leather Wrist (H).

Make your way back to the main path and continue north to exit at the top (5).

In the next room, head north and, at the fork in the road, head left.

This leads to a platform that has a frozen Moogle in it. Use Vivi to melt the ice and you will get another A.T.E. which is a second round of tutorials.

[Mognet Central]

Save, heal and Mognet to get a new letter to deliver. Head back and this time take the right fork north.

Here is a short scene where the party start to fall asleep. Zidane will wake up and you should make sure you are ready for a Boss fight then head right.


Black Waltz will heal Sealion with its Ice magic when its HP is low.

Defeating Black Waltz 1 first is recommended to prevent the healing of Sealion.

Boss Fight: Black Waltz 1 & Sealion

Level HP MP Strength Defence Evade
2 229 9,999 8 10 2
Magic Magic Defence Magic Evade Attack Spirit Speed
8 10 3 9 10 19
Elemental Affinity
Fire Ice Thunder
150% 150% 100%
Water Wind Earth
100% 100% 100%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
Gil AP
134 5
Steal Item Drop Card Drop
Remedy (100%)
Silk Shirt (25%)
Hi-Potion Skeleton (12.5%)
Abilities Eat
Blizzard, Fire, Hit Can't eat


Sealion will change its attacks based on the colour of its gem; Blue, Yellow or Red. (See table)

Focus on Black Waltz 1 first and try to steal the Mythril Dagger from Sealion.

It is very likely that you will get Trance in this battle and the Dyne ability Tidal Flame is very effective against both Black Waltz 1 and Sealion as it attacks both at the same time.

Level HP MP Strength Defence Evade
3 472 9,999 8 10 2
Magic Magic Defence Magic Evade Attack Spirit Speed
8 10 3 10 11 19
Elemental Affinity
Fire Ice Thunder
150% -100% 100%
Water Wind Earth
0% 100% 0%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
Gil AP
205 5
Steal Item Drop Card Drop
Ether (100%)
Mythril Dagger (25%)
Phoenix Down Fang (12.5%)
Abilities Eat
Blue: Wing, Blizzard
Yellow: Wing, Blizzara
Red: Wing: Tsunami
Can't eat

Following the battle, Zidane will go check on the others. After a brief conversation, head right and into the room where you fought the Boss', head up the ramp to the right and follow the path to the top. There are a couple of jumps where you have to press X to jump over, but just follow the path.

Exit out of the top and another short conversation will happen where Garnet decides to change her name to help hide her identity; the default is [Dagger].

Village of Dali

Items Elixir, Ether, Leather Wrist, Mage Masher, Phoenix Down, Potion, Tent
Cards None
Gil None
Notes None

Observatory Mountain:

From Ice Cavern, head to your right (West on the map) where you will find Observatory Mountain and the Village of Dali.

Head to the Observatory first to grab a few things and discover a quest for later in the game.

There is a Hi-Potion (A) by the boxes in the foreground and 135 Gil (B) next to the stairs.

Enter the house (1) and talk to the person inside. He will mention he likes coffee.

Examine the model floating to his left and he will say he will trade it for 3 types of coffee: Burman, Kirman and Moccha. [Quest Link]

Leave the area and now head to Dali next to the Observatory.

Village of Dali:

When you arrive in Dali, there will be a short scene where the party decide to rest at the Inn.

Upon entering the Inn, you will be shown to the room and sleep.

When you wake up, the rest have already left. In the room are a Potion (C) behind the plant to the left and an Antidote (D) in a chest next to the bed on the right.

There are also a couple of A.T.E's you can watch.

Exit the room (2) and you will be in the reception room. There is a Moogle here where you can Save and if you have the letter from Mois in the Ice Cavern, you can give it to Gumo here.

Now you can leave the Inn and, once outside you get another A.T.E.

Opposite the Inn is a Weapon Shop (3). You can visit now or later but it is worth checking your party to see if any of them can get an upgrade.

Next to the Weapon Shop you can find 120 Gil (E). Opposite this is a little bridge that allows you to look inside the Inn to see if anyone has come back.

Heading north you will find a few more buildings and Vivi (X).

Talk to Vivi and agree to meet back at the Inn and there are a few more A.T.E's.

Enter the Mill (4) in the north-west corner and here you will find Aries (Stellazzio Quest) behind the mill.

Leave the mill and head right to the Pub (5), here you can buy basic supplies. You can head right to the fields (6) but there is nothing for us here yet.

Once done, head back to the Weapon Shop where you will find Dagger. Talk to her and tell her she is "Doing Great" and "You were Ruby". After a short conversation, you can shop for Weapons if you need to or play Tetra Master with Eve.

Leave the shop and head back to the Inn opposite. Enter the bed room and talk to Dagger. After the conversation you will get another A.T.E.

Leave the Inn and head north to where Vivi was standing earlier. Vivi has been abducted and is underground.

Enter the Mill to the left and examine the metal dome in the foreground to find the entrance to an underground area. Select "Go down".

Eve's Weapon Shop (3)

Item Price
Broadsword 330 Gil
Bronze Armor 650 Gil
Bronze Gloves 480 Gil
Bronze Helm 330 Gil
Dagger 320 Gil
Feather Hat 200 Gil
Iron Sword 660 Gil
Leather Hat 150 Gil
Leather Shirt 270 Gil
Leather Wrist 200 Gil
Mage Masher 500 Gil
Mage Staff 320 Gil
Rod 260 Gil
Rubber Helm 250 Gil
Silk Shirt 400 Gil
Wrist 130 Gil

Pub (5)

Item Price
Potion 50 Gil
Phoenix Down 150 Gil
Antidote 50 Gil
Eye Drops 50 Gil
Tent 800 Gil

Dali - Underground:

Make sure you have checked your equipment and abilities are set up and then head sounth and down the lift (1).

At the base of the lift is a chest with 156 Gil (A), head north through the tunnel (2).

After a brief scene, head back into the room and enter the tent where Vivi was being held to find a Potion (B) in a chest at the back.

Exit the tent and, in the foreground opposite the Chocobo pen is a chest with an Eye Drops (C).

Head right and exit the area (3).

There is a barrel in this room that has a Moogle in it. You can save here and get a Mognet mail for Mogki.

There is a pulley handle near the back of the room (X) that you can examine then, if you select "Kick it" a chest will drop down.

There is a Potion (D) in that chest and, in the background are some boxes. Climb up to the top to find another chest with an Elixir (E).

Climb back down then exit to the north.

In this room, head towards the crates in the middle of the room and, to your left is a set of stairs, go up them and forwards. To your right is a ledge you can climb. Head forwards and to the right to find a chest with an Iron Helm (F). Climb back down and, from the stairs head right and, in between the boxes to your right is a chest with a Leather Wrist (G).

Exit to the right (5).

Once in the next room, there is a short scene where you rescue Vivi. Make sure you update his equipment and abilities then head to the door to the north.

To the right of the door is a chest with 95 Gil (H). Examine the door (6) and choose to open it. You will have a mandatroy battle against 3 Ghosts. Afterwards, you will enter the room.

There is a machine to your right that you can examine but there are 3 chests in here: The first is right in front of you which contains a Phoenix Down (I), to the right of that, slightly behind the machine is a Potion (J).

Finally, completely to the right, hidden behind the machine is a Phoenix Pinion (K).

Exit the room. You can examine the machine in here too but head right across the bridge (7).

In the next room you can examine the machine in 3 locations; The conveyor belt, the machine before the tunnel in the north and inside the tunnel.

Continue north and exit into the next room where a scene will play.

Following this, the scene will move to Steiner who is at the Observatory. After the short scene, head down the stairs, wait for the man to enter the house and follow him inside. Talk to him then leave the house.

Leave the area. You will be out on the plain where you will see the Cargo Ship.

After a short scene, choose "poke it with a sword".

After another short conversation, you will face another Black Waltz Boss.


Boss won't attack Dagger, so have her keep healing where needed.

Zidane should steal both items before attacking.

Steiner and Vivi should attack; combining for Steiner's Sword Magic.

Boss Fight: Black Waltz 2

Level HP MP Strength Defence Evade
6 1,030 3,017 9 10 2
Magic Magic Defence Magic Evade Attack Spirit Speed
9 11 3 14 12 20
Elemental Affinity
Fire Ice Thunder
100% 100% 100%
Water Wind Earth
100% 150% 0%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
Gil AP
441 5
Steal Item Drop Card Drop
Steepled Hat (100%)
Leather Plate (25%)
Ether Zaghnol (12.5%)
Abilities Eat
Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Osmose, Fira, Thundara, Blizzara, Teleport, Hypnotize Can't eat

After the battle, you can choose to return to the Inn to rest or not. Resting would be helpful to heal and allows you to do any shopping you need to do.

Head back to the Inn and rest. Visit the weapon shop and pub if you need supplies then head back to the field and leave via the exit to the right. Choose to get on the Cargo Ship.

Cargo Ship

There are no items to collect or find here. There is what looks like a chest in the foreground (X), but this is part of the ship.

Head north and climb the ladder at the end (1).

On the deck of the ship you will see Steiner, approach him and, after a brief conversation, head left and enter the bridge (room on the left).

After another brief scene, you will battle another Black Waltz.


Vivi starts the battle in Trance.

Zidane should try to steal as much as possible.

Vivi and Steiner should attack and heal respectively.

When Boss is airbourne it uses Thundara on all party members.

Boss Fight: Black Waltz 3

Level HP MP Strength Defence Evade
7 1,128 2,080 9 11 2
Magic Magic Defence Magic Evade Attack Spirit Speed
9 10 3 15 43 20
Elemental Affinity
Fire Ice Thunder
100% 100% 100%
Water Wind Earth
100% 150% 0%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
Gil AP
0 0
Steal Item Drop Card Drop
Steepled Hat (100%)
Linen Cuirass (25%)
Silver Gloves (6%)
- -
Abilities Eat
Hit, Fire, Fira, Blizzard, Thundara Can't eat

After the fight, a scene will play and your party will arrive in Lindblum.


Items Autograph, Bronze Vest, Echo Screen, Ether, Glass Armlet, Hi-Potion, Kupo Nut, Leather Plate, Leather Wrist, Mini-Burmecia, Moogle Suit, Ore, Silver Gloves, Steepled Hat, Tent
Cards Mimic, Wyerd
Gil 737
Notes Master Hunter can be gained from the Festival of the Hunt along with either 5,000 Gil, Coral Ring or Theatre Ship Card

After arriving in Lindblum, you will be greeted and escorted to the next room.

Head right up the stairs past the fountain (1) and head right towards the stairs but then left into the guest room.

Head up the first set of stairs and head right to a chest next to the bed which as a Glass Armlet (A). Continue up the stairs where you will find a Moogle to save and Mognet and, head south past the Moogle (X) to find another chest with an Ether (B).

Leave the guest room and, if you head down the stairs in the previous hallway, there is an Airman names Erin you can talk to (down the stairs and left).

Head back to the fountain room and head south to continue (2).

After a scene where you meet the Regent Cid, Zidane will be outside of the castle and enter a pub where you will meet a new character to be named, default is [Freya].

The next day, Zidane will wake up in an Inn where you will have an A.T.E with a tutorial on Synthesis.

Exit the room and head north, the room next door has a Moogle to Save and Mognet. Head north then left down the stairs.

Before leaving, there is 163 Gil hidden by the pillar on the left next to the exit.

Lindblum - Business District:

After leaving the Inn, you will have an A.T.E. Head north (1) then head right then north again (2).

There are a few shops here, the Weapon Shop (A), the medicine shop (B) and the Synthesis Shop (C); inside the Synthesis Shop you can find Silver Gloves on the work bench at the back of the shop on the left.

You can create new weapons, armour and accessories in the Synthesis Shop; if you have both of the free Mage Masher's, you can use them to create a new weapon for Zidane called the Ogre. (See table to the right).

Leave and head back to the main square and head left. There is a house here (D) which has 2 chests with a Hi-Potion and an Echo Screen. You can also battle the occupant in Tetra Master.

Leave the house and head north (3).

There is only 1 place to visit here, the Church (E) to the north. 

Inside the Church is a chest with a Leather Plate; head inside and up the ladder on the right to find it. Outside the Church, in the bushes to the right is a Tent (F).

Head back to the first area where the Inn is. The building opposite (X) is the Air Cab Station; upon entering it you get another mandetory A.T.E with Vivi where you get a Kupo Nut.

After the A.T.E, you can board the Air Cab to the left to travel to a different district. We will be going to the Industrial District first.

Lindblum - Industrial District:

Upon exiting the Air Cab, head left and up the stairs.

To the left of the stairs is a Leather Wrist (A) and behind the statue is a man called Marolo (X) who asks you what you think. Choose Behind and he will then explain that no one believes him when he says the engines of an airship should be at the back.

Head north and up the stairs (1).

Here you will find the pub (2) that Zidane visited during a previous scene but going in now only has a Tetra Master battle with the waitress.

Outside the pub is a Bronze vest (B) and a house in the north (C) where you can find a Mimic Card and a Steepled Hat in chests upstairs next to the bed.

Head back to the Air Cab Station and head down the stairs. Enter the Air Cab and choose Theatre District.

Dragoo's Weapon Shop (A)

Item Cost
Bronze Gloves 480 Gil
Dagger 320 Gil
Fork 1100 Gil
Glass Armlet 250 Gil
Headgear 330 Gil
Iron Helm 450 Gil
Iron Sword 660 Gil
Javelin 880 Gil
Leather Plate 530 Gil
Leather Wrist 200 Gil
Linen Cuirass 800 Gil
Mage Masher 500 Gil
Mythril Dagger 950 Gil
Rod 260 Gil
Silver Gloves 720 Gil
Steepled Hat 250 Gil

Alice's Item Shop (B)

Item Cost
Potion 50 Gil
Phoenix Down 150 Gil
Echo Screen 50 Gil
Soft 100 Gil
Antidote 50 Gil
Eye Drops 50 Gil
Tent 800 Gil

Torres' Synthesis Shop (C)

Item Components Price
Butterfly Sword Dagger, Mage Masher 300 Gil
Cotton Robe Wrist, Steepled Hat 1,000 Gil
Desert Boots Leather Hat, Leather Shirt 300 Gil
Glass Buckle Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist 500 Gil
The Ogre Mage Masher x2 700 Gil
Yellow Scarf Feather Hat, Steepled Hat 400 Gil

Lindblum - Theatre District:

After exiting the station, there is a house opposite (A) where you can find an Ore in a chest.

Exit the house and head left and down the stairs (1). Head south and enter the building to the left; this is the Tantalus hideout. Inside you will have an A.T.E followed by a short conversation.

There are 3 chests containing; 68 Gil (B), 282 Gil (C) and 97 Gil (D) and, if you climb the ladder to the far left you can get a Mini-Burmecia figurine on the bed.

Leave the hideout where another A.T.E is offered and head south and down the stairs.

At the bottom, talk to the crowd of people and a person in a Moogle suit will come out and run away back up the stairs. Follow it back to the house opposite the Cab station. Talk to Lowell to get his Autograph and you can find his Moogle Suit to the right between the red chair and the open drawer.

Go back to the Air Cab station and now choose Lindblum Castle.

Lindblum - Castle

When you get off the Air Cab, head down the stairs and exit south.

Head left then north up the stairs to where the Dock where you arrived on the Cargo Ship. Head south through to the fountain room you were in earlier.

You can't go straight to the lift up to the Regent's room. Head right up the stairs (1) and go to the guest room (2).

Head up the stairs to find Steiner who tells you Garnet has gone missing and heads off to find her. Head back to the fountain room and head south. A guard will stop you and say that only authorised people may enter.

Head back to the hallway to the guest room but head down the stairs and talk to the sleeping soldier at the bottom (A).

After a brief scene, you will steal the soldier's uniform; you can now get past the guard blocking you from the lift in the fountain room. Head back and south to the lift (3).

Once you get off the lift, there is a way north that is blocked by soldiers, so head left and up the stairs. Head left around the engine and up the stairs on the left.

At the top, head left up the stairs to the top where you will find Garnet. A scene follows.

During the scene, you will invite Garnet to look through the telescope. You have to look at 6 places; Aerbs Mountains (left) (A), South Gate (B), Aerbs Mountains (right) (C), Chocobo Forest (D), Ceebell River (E) & Marshland (F).

Once you have seen all 6, Garnet will look and the scene will continue.

You decide to enter the Festival of the Hunt and, along with Vivi and Freya, you have 3 prizes you can earn depending on who wins the hunt: 5,000 Gil (Zidane), Coral Ring (Freya) or Theatre Ship Card (Vivi).

Each participant starts in a different location and Zidane starts in the Theatre District. You only control Zidane and, briefly, Freya but you can still control who wins so if you are after the Card, Vivi needs to win but you can't control him.

Festival of the Hunt:

From the Guest Room, head to the Air Cab station in the castle by going north from the Fountain room and then heading right and down the stairs.

Board the Air Cab to be taken to the Theatre District which is your starting place.

Your goal is to score points by defeating enemies. Depending on who you want to win (which prize you are aiming for) you will either need to get the most points yourself, allow Freya to win by not scoring more points than her or allow Vivi to win by having both Freya and Zidane lose.

Enemy locations and score
Location Monster Points
Theatre District (Outside Station) Mu 10-12
Theatre District (Outside Station) Trick Sparrow 1-3
Theatre District (Outside Hideout) Trick Sparrow 10-12
Theatre District (Outside Theatre) Fang 19-21
Industrial District (Chasing cat) Fang 19-21
Industrial District (Running down the stairs) Mu 10-12
Industrial District (Hiding in the pub) Mu 10-12
Industrial District (Top of town, end of the street) Mu 7-9
Business District (Outside Station) Trick Sparrow 13-15
Business District (Running out of a house) Mu 13-15
Business District (Left side of Market) Fang 16-18
Business District (Road leading to Church) Fang 19-21
Business District (On Church Doorstep) Trick Sparrow 4-6
Business District (Chasing Vivi through Market) Fang 25-27
Business District (By Fountain) * Zaghnol 50-99

(*) The Zaghnol only appears when there is 4:30 left on the clock.

Determining the Winner

You only control Zidane and, if you are fighting the Zaghnol, Freya for a short time but you can control who wins and which prize you ultimately receive.

  • Zidane (5,000 Gil): For Zidane to win, you must out-score everyone else. The best way to do this is battle as many high point scoring enemies as possible. Leave the Threatre District immediately and head to the Business District. Head to the Market area and fight the Fang on the left of the Market, then head north to the Church to fight the Fang on the road. Head back to the Market and fight the Fang that is chasing Vivi then fighting the Zaghnol by the fountain with Freya. Zidane must get the finishing blow to gain the points.

  • Freya (Coral Ring): For Freya to win, you really don't need to do much. Freya's points will slowly go up and is most likely to win if you don't fight and beat the Zaghnol. You can guarantee this by having Zidane KO'd by the Zaghnol and Freya lands the finishing blow.

  • Vivi (Theatre Ship Card): For Vivi to win, you need to make sure to save him from the Fang that is chasing him. Then, fight the Zaghnol and have both Freya and Zidane KO'd by it.
Zaghnol Fight

The Zaghnol is not a difficult fight but does have a couple of good items to steal; Mythril Gloves (100%) and Needle Fork (25%). It uses Thunder magic and a physical attack, is weak to Water and takes half damage from Thunder. Defeat in this battle does not result in a Game Over.

Have Zidane try to steal both items and Freya heal and attack with normal attacks. Then, depending on who you want to win, finish the fight with Zidane or Freya or have both KO'd.

After the festival concludes, the winner will be given their reward from Regent Cid along with an award called "Master Hunter". This only serves as a reward and has no other purpose.

Following this is a scene; Garnet & Steiner go off on their own after Garnet puts everyone else to sleep.

After waking up, head south and continue south to the lift.

Use the lift control on the left and select Base Level. There are a couple of transport cars here, the one on the right will take you to Serpent's Gate. Board it and head to Serpent's gate, on the platform, head north to find a Wyerd Card.

Now, use the transport car to go to Dragon's Gate. Here you will find a Moogle (A) to save, a man selling supplies (B) and a Tent (C) behind the platform to the right of the exit.

Once done, leave via the gate (1).

Item Shop (B)

Item Price
Potion 50 Gil
Phoenix Down 150 Gil
Echo Screen 50 Gil
Soft 100 Gil
Antidote 50 Gil
Eye Drops 50 Gil
Tent 800 Gil

Journey to Gizamaluke's Grotto

Items Ether, Moccha Coffee
Cards -
Gil -
Notes Rewards from catching frogs in Qu's Marsh.

Once out on the World Map, there are a few places to go to:

  • Qu's Marsh (A)
  • Chocobo Forest (B)
  • South Gate (C)
  • Gizamaluke's Grotto (D)

From Dragon's Gate (X), head north where you will find Qu's Marsh. Inside, head north accross the plank bridges to the shore. Here you will find the 2 Moogles from the Tutorial A.T.E's. Head through the tall grass behind them and head north.

Here you will find a pond with frogs and a person wandering around. If you cross the bridge to the right you will find a house with the chief of the Qu's.

At the pond, catch a frog by waiting for one to come on land and pressing X near it to catch it. Talk to the person aho is wandering around the pond and give them the frog. After a brief conversation where you can name the person, default is [Quina], you can then add them to your party.

Head south back to the pond and you can catch frogs; best to leave 1 male and 1 female so the population replenishes quickly. Only catch the Golden frog if you want a new one to spawn at a different Qu's Marsh, otherwise, leave it as it helps in replenishing the frog population.

Catching frogs has a few benefits; the more frogs you catch throughout the game, the main benefit is the more frogs you catch, the more powerful Quina's Blu Magic "Frog Drop" becomes. You also get rewards for catching frogs. See Frog Catching Quest. [Add Link]

With Quina in your party, if you encounter a Gigan Toad in battle; drop its HP and have Quina eat it to gain the Frog Drop Blu Magic. It is worth spending a few minutes to do this.

Now, you can leave the Marsh the way you came in, heading south.

From Qu's Marsh, head east. There is a bridge crossing the river and it leads to Chocobo Forest. Enter Chocobo Forest to meet a Chocobo named Choco and you will get a Gysahl Green.

This can be used on the World Map to call Choco to ride. You can not be attacked while riding.

The Chocobo Forest can also be used to play Chocobo Hot & Cold [LINK].

From the Chocobo Forest, head north-east to South Gate. This area may be familiar as it was in an A.T.E with the Tantalus Crew. To the right is a path that has Moccha Coffee (A) behind the bush. There is a spring (B) you can drink from that restores your party HP & MP. Lastly, behind the spring, next to the fence on the main path is an Ether (C).

Once you have explored these areas, head back west, cross the bridge and along the mountains to find Gizamaluke's Grotto.

Gizamaluke's Grotto

Items Bronze Vest, Gizamaluke Bell (4), Holy Bell, Magus Hat, Mythril Gloves
Cards -
Gil -
Notes -

From the entrance, head left to find a soldier injured on the floor (A). Talk to them to receive a Gizamaluke Bell. Head back and examine the door to the north (1) and choose "Ring Bell", this will open the door.

In the next room you will battle 2 Black Mages; they are not tough and don't have any items worth stealing.

Defeat them and then continue forward into the courtyard where there is another Black Mage battle.

You will get another Gizamaluke Bell. to the north is a set of stairs with 2 doors, examine the door on the left (2) and ring the bell.

This opens up a path to the left, follow it round and pick up the Bronze Vest (B) that is hidden behind the stalagmite to the left. Continue right and talk to the wounded soldier (C) to get another bell.

Head back to the courtyard and head down the stairs. Head to the right and examine the lower-right door. Ring the bell and enter the door. (The big door at the top of the stairs leads to the same place, but going this way leads to a couple of items and prevents you from back-tracking on yourself).

The room also has an enemy called Lamia which is not hard to defeat but casts Might on itself that increases their Attack. This is also a great enemy to get LV3 Def-Less Blu Magic from for Quina. Reduce its HP down and eat it to gain ability.

Head up the stairs and, near the top, are Mythril Gloves (D), continue around the top and head down the left side and, under the bridge, is a Magus Hat (E).

Follow the path around and up to the center of the room. Here, a scene will play, give the Moogle the Kupo Nut you obtained from Lindblum. Another Moogle will break out of the bell in the middle. Both will leave through the right door at the back.

Once they leave, there is a chest in the middle of the room, under the bell, which contains another bell. Use this bell on the door the Moogles went through (4).

Inside this room, you can talk to the Moogles and Save, Tent, etc.

Do not climb the vines at the back; this leads outside to an area with strong monsters.

Leave the way you came in and, as you are leaving, a Moogle will give you the Holy Bell.

Head to the other side of the room and ring the Holy Bell at the left door. Make sure you have healed and equipped what you need for the Boss fight ahead.


If you have Bird Killer abilities, those characters should attack.

Steal everything you can; the Ice Staff is worth aiming for as it is a good upgrade for Vivi.

If you have The Ogre weapon on Zidane; you can use Soul Blade to inflict Darkness on the Boss.

Casting Slow on the Boss is also helpful.

Boss Fight: Gizamaluke

Level HP MP Strength Defence Evade
16 3,175 502 11 10 3
Magic Magic Defence Magic Evade Attack Spirit Speed
11 11 4 23 17 22
Elemental Affinity
Fire Ice Thunder
100% 100% 150%
Water Wind Earth
50% 150% 0%
Holy Shadow Healing
100% 100% -100%
Gil AP
800 5
Steal Item Drop Card Drop
Elixir (100%)
Magus Hat (25%)
Ice Staff (6%)
Tent Mythril Sword (12.5%)
Abilities Eat
Crash, Water, Silent Voice Can't eat

Bohden Gate

Items Multina Racket, Potion
Cards -
Gil -
Notes There is another chest here that you can't get at the moment. It is on top of the wagon on the right, if you try to climb the ladder, Steiner will say he can't climb it.

After defeating Gizamaluke, the scene changes location to Steiner at Bohden Gate with a bag on his back.

Head up the stairs and, after being admitted inside, you will be presented with several people.

In a hidden chest to the left, behind a barrel is a Multina Racket (A). Next, Talk to the person by the left gate (B) then the person by the barrel in the background (C).

Next, talk to the man on the right (D) who will go off to talk to person (B). Now talk to the woman near the alley (E) and console her, she will go off to talk to person (C).

The coast is now clear, so head towards the alley (1). You will be stopped by a guard who summons you to them, head towards them and, after a short conversation, he will leave you a Gate Pass. Pick it up and now head to the Alley (1).

Inside the alley, Garnet will come out of hiding in the bag and you will move on to the Cable Car.

There is a Potion (F) in the chest on the left as well as a Moggle to Save, Mognet, etc.

There is also a shop (G) selling basic supplies if you need some.

When you are done here, head up the stairs and board the Cable Car (2).

Item Shop (G)

Item Price
Potion 50 Gil
Phoenix Down 150 Gil
Echo Screen 50 Gil
Soft 100 Gil
Antidote 50 Gil
Eye Drops 50 Gil
Tent 800 Gil

Switching back to Zidane's group; after leaving the Grotto you will be out on the world map.

Head north to Burmecia but along the way you will come across the Burmecia side of North Gate to the east along the mountain.

Inside, after a brief scene, you can find a Hi-Potion (A) and a Tent (B).

Exit the ay you came in and continue North until you come up to Burmecia.


Items Cancer (Stellazzio), Ether, Germinas Boots, Kupo Nut, Lightning Staff, Mythril Spear, Phoenix Down, Potion, Protection Bell, Soft (2), Tent
Cards -
Gil -
Notes The travelling Moogle, Stiltzkin has an offer for you: Soft, Hi-Potion & Ether for 333 Gil.

Upon entering the town, head north. There is a overturned cart on the left that has Cancer (See Stellazzio Quest) [LINK]. Exit to the north.

Approach the building ahead of you and you will battle another 2 Black Mages.

After defeating them, head right, up the stairs and into the building (1). Inside you can find a Soft (A) behind the stairs. Head up stairs and head left. There is an optional battle against a Mimic here (X).

Head left through the door and continue left into the next building. Here is a path that will fall if you run over it. Walk carefully over to the chest on the far left which contains Germinas Boots (B). You can now run back over the path to have the floor fall down to the level below. Head back the way you came in (3) and back outside.

Head left and enter the building (4), inside you can find a Soft (C) by the right statue and a Potion (D) by the left statue. Head up the stairs to the left and then head right. There is another Mimic here (X) but exit to the door on the right (5).

In the next room, just follow the path left and down to exit onto the balcony. Jump over to the other side and enter the room. Inside is an injured soldier, talk to them and then head to the back of the room, under the bed is a Protection Bell and to the left, behind the pillar, is an Ether.

Now, head back the way you came and back outside again. Head back into the right building (1) and head back upstairs and out the door (2).

Examine the door in the middle (6) and ring the bell. Enter the room and head up the stairs. After a short scene, continue up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs is c ourtyard; there is a door on the ground floor (7) where you will find 2 survivors.

Head up the stairs to the right and enter the door on the left (8); the other door is a dead-end.

On the right you will find 2 chests; (E) is a Tent and (F) is a Phoenix Down. Head north and out the door at the top (9). There is a Mimic here if you want to fight it (X).

Outside is a fountain with a door on the left and door on the right.

In the left door is a statue holding a Mythril Spear that Freya will grab. Head back outside and into the right door.

Inside is a Moogle where you can Save. You can buy supplies from the Moogle as well. At the back of the room is a chest containing a Lightning Staff.

Upon leaving, Stiltzkin will enter with an offer for you; Soft, Hi-Potion & Ether for 333 Gil.

Exit the room and now head north to the palace. Make sure to equip any new weapons, armour and heal up for battle.

Inside the palace a short scene will play and then a Boss fight.

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