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Final Fantasy VII - Items

Items in Final Fantasy VII are split into several categories; Accessories, Armour, Consumable Items, Key Items and Weapons.

The following pages will give lists and details on the items in the game (except Weapons, which are listed on the Bio page of each character).

Accessories - These are useful items that grant the wearer a buff; this can be a boost to a particular stat, resistance to status effects or reducing elemental damage.

Armour - Defensive items that bestow protection, slots for Materia and some give stat boosts.

Consumable Items - Single use items that have a variety of uses; Restorative items, stat booting items, status effect inflicting, damage inflicting & more.

Key Items - Special items that relate to the plot. These items can not be sold or dropped but are used in specific ways or traded.

FF7 Items Menu
FF7 Item Sorting
FF7 Key Items Menu
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