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Character Bios

Final Fantasy VIII - Character Bios

There are 9 playable characters in Final Fantasy VIII, they are:

Each of these characters has a unique ability called a Limit Break and preferred weapon types.

Limit Break

Limit Breaks are unique skills that trigger randomly when the character's health is low (25% or lower). The chance of these skills becoming available is low and is based on a hidden stat called Crisis Level; This stat increases based on remaining HP, number of KO'd party members and status effects inflicted on the player.

This state can also be induced using Aura magic.


There are many types of weapons, each is suited to a particular character; Squall uses Gunblades, Quistis uses Whips and Irvine uses Guns. Unlike in previous games; you do not find new weapons, instead you get materials to upgrade your base weapon into stronger variants at Junk Shops. In order to know what you need to upgrade a weapon, you need to find a series of magazines called "
Weapons Monthly".

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